In today’s fast paced society, nuclear families have become the norm. Working parents hardly find time to spend with their kids. Parents often feel guilty of not helping their kids learn. Here are 10 incredibly simple ways to contribute to the learning experience of your children and live without guilt.
Table of Contents
Have dinner or at least one meal in the company of your children.
- Switch off the TV, keep aside your mobile and focus on your children.
- Enquire about their day at school, their friends, their teachers, etc.
- Peek into their world.
- Share some news from your life with them.
- Narrate to them some news item that attracted your attention.
- Plan your weekend.
- Plan your evening with them over a light discussion at the dinner table.
Be an excellent role model for your children
- Pay attention to your actions. If you act lazy, they will too. If you are a bundle of energy, they will be too
- Watch your language
- Watch your interactions with your spouse. Their interaction with the opposite sex will mirror yours.
- Help them at every opportunity. They will reciprocate
- Do something useful. They will imitate. It could be doing yoga, going for a walk, reading books, helping your spouse with some housework, saving money, etc.
Share your life experiences with your kids
- Share your life’s experiences – both bad and good with them
- This will teach them to be watchful.
- It will also imprint in their mind that life need not always be fair. It can hit you with a brick at times.
Do not condemn or ridicule elders or teachers in the presence of your kids
- Children are immature
- They do not view the world from your lenses.
- If you criticise somebody, that becomes the gospel and they will leave no stone unturned in doing the same.
Do not patronize their mistakes
- A child’s actions need to be condemned if required without mincing words.
- Do not soften your words for the sake of the child’s ego.
- Do not buckle if they throw temper tantrums.
- Tell them what needs to be said in clear and no uncertain terms. Also say what is it you expect from them the next time. That is the appropriate closure along with a possible pointer to some action of theirs that was right.
Play with your children
- Do jog a muscle with your kids every now and then.
- Teach them new games. Learn a game from them
- Turn into a kid yourself as you play with them.
Be Genuine in your praise
- When your child shows you something that he/she has created, keep aside your work and enjoy the work
- Praise them for the work from your heart and genuinely
- Do not pay them partial attention. If you are in the middle of some work, let them know that you will be available to them in 30 minutes or 1 hour.
10 Incredibly simple ways to contribute to the learning experience of your children
Involve kids in conversations with your spouse or family members
- Let them into your world and involve them at least as spectators during conversations with your spouse or family members
- Expose kids to real life challenges faced by adults and do let them occasionally share their suggestions.
- Teach kids the difference between right and wrong and the importance of a value system.
Do not let children waste time in an idle fashion
- Prompt kids to be active.
- Ask them to switch between subjects or jobs to keep boredom away
- Keep them busy especially during after school hours.
Encourage kids, fill them with hope
- Do encourage and motivate your children.
- Fill them with stories of hope and optimism.
- Do not keep repeating to them stories of failure in your life.
These 10 incredibly simple ways to contribute to the learning experience of your children can easily be put to practise and will fetch you rich dividends. They will work wonders as you make them a part of your life.
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