Inculcate respect for animals among kids

It pains to see children with scanty respect for an animal life. Two children were caught today plucking winged insects from a tree, ripping out their wings and forcing then to fight each other. I was shell shocked. How can such cruelty manifest itself in children!

Can’t parents spend quality time with kids and admonish them if they fail to respect life in any form?

As I talked to the kids, I sensed not a tinge of remorse or guilt. What kind of kids are we raising if they feel that non-human life is inferior.

I took the approach of talking it with kids in a logical manner as I felt a lecture on animal rights would miss the target by miles at that stage. I described to them a slightly gruesome scenario wherein a giant plucks you out of your home, rips out your hands and lets you duel another human. That powered the message home instantly. Both the kids had tears in their eyes. I made them promise never to venture into things of this sort again and let them off.

As I lay back on my chair I was reminded of Gandhi’s quote,”The character of a nation is known by the way its people treat is animals”.

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