Changing schools can be unnerving for children as well as parents. At times, it becomes inevitable. Parents getting transferred, availability of a better schooling option and other reasons make a shift of schools unavoidable. However, here are five tips to help your kid adjust to a new school and make this shift as smooth as possible.
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Generate the Halo Effect
Identify the positives of the new school and reiterate them. Keep reiterating them in your kids’ presence to allow a halo effect set around the new school. Psychology has proved that we tend to be more accepting of things that we are in awe of.
Accompany your kid to the school for the first few days.
Drop and pick up your child yourself for the first few days. This gives them the confidence to face the new environment. You also let them know that you are ready to stand solidly behind them till they adjust to their new school.

Encourage kids to make new friends.
Talk to a few kids yourself near the school of your kid’s age. You might be doing a favour to your kids by introducing them to their future friend. You too get a feel of the school culture.
Ask your kid to showcase his/her talent at the school
Ask your kid to prepare something that highlights their strength. It could be a poster, a craft item, a compilation of quiz questions or anything else that he or she can show the class teacher. This creates an opportunity for the class teacher to identify your kid and also highlight their efforts in front of the class. This gives a unique platform for your child to reap new friends who will be in awe of their talent.
Talk with the Principal/Class Teacher in the child’s presence.
Talk to the principal of your child’s new school at least a couple of times within the first 3 months. Your presence helps both the child and the principal too. It establishes your credentials as a conscientious parent who takes an innate interest in your child’s school. It also boosts your child’s confidence when they see you having a healthy equation with their teachers.
Try out these ways. Let me know of other ways to help your kid adjust to a new school if something has worked wonders for you and your kid. Here are a few more tips to help your kid adjust to their new school