3 Digital Disruptions that will rock the Education field

Technology is constantly redefining every aspect of human life, day in and day out. Education is not immune to it too. Digital disruption in education is always brought about in two key ways.

Massive Open Online Courses – An example of audience enforced disruption

One, wide adoption of a new technology, first by students, forcing everybody else to change or perish. Ex: Think MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Smart boards – An external force enforced disruption

Two, Innovative disruptions by external forces, most often than not, by people from outside the educational sector that completely overhaul the way things are done. Ex: Think smart boards

The education sector will see major disruptions in the years to come. Here are three key technological disruptions in the field of education that are about to go big.

Learning Everywhere

Digital Disruption in Education – 1

Today’s generation is vastly different from the generation 10 years back in terms of how they educate themselves. They are constantly learning. They are continuously learning via their smartphones, their smartwatches, their Alexas, Google Minis, their Kindle tablets and the list goes on.

Amazon Alexa, Google Mini – Driving the concept of Learning Everywhere

They check, verify and bounce everything they encounter, with their peers and get almost instant feedback. This lightning-fast ability allows them to question everything they are taught in the confines of their digitally backward classrooms. These classrooms force the students to go back to physical textbooks and sit staring at their teachers, who go  a monologue for 30-40 minutes at a stretch.

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How will the next generation learn? Traditional classroom teaching will inevitably change.

The digital generation loves to learn in titbits. They prefer knowledge in small bite-sized, easily digestible chunks.

Kids in the digital age love to participate, interact and contribute back instantly. Every body’s contribution is valued. It exponentially increases the knowledge path traversed.

Students digitally interacting with everything in their surroundings

Internet generation of kids like consumption of knowledge throughout the day – but at their own convenient timings.

Teens love, adore and respect the digital avatar of their professor or teacher more than the physical person.

Personalized knowledge preferred in the Digital Era

Today’s generation of kids love customized personalized knowledge.

Nimble, Managed Resources 

Digital Disruption in Education – 2

Resources in the digital world are increasingly nimble and are digitally managed, curated and grown based on ratings, likes, upvotes & downvotes, diggs and a dozen other parameters. Initially, these parameters were designed to allow most relevant content to float up and be discovered. However, today’s smart-bots (AI algorithms) are being employed to digitally re-master resources to build repositories of quality content.

Digital Repositories of data that is AI curated and managed
How will these repositories function? Who will manage them?

Resource repositories will be made relevant to classes, subjectsand niche areas.

Students and teachers will fine tune them, add parameters, add and delete sources.

Clubbing two or more repositories together, spawning new ones will become routine.

Career Path Recommendation

Digital Disruption in Education – 3

All round monitoring of students, feedback loops, programs like continuous comprehensive evaluation, feedback from teachers and schools – All of these will make available tons of data to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence algorithms to continuously recommend career paths to students.

Big Data to trawl through massive data repositories to suggest personalized career paths
What will be the impact of this revolutionary Career Path Recommendation?

These career paths will be selectively made available to colleges, professors and others in the academic circles to help in the early grooming of students.

This data will be used by governments to push programs to address a lacuna in the future, in terms of human resources distribution. Data may be opened up for public too.

The speed of adoption of these three disruptions may be up for debate. However their inevitability cannot be denied. So get ready to face the bold new future of the education sector.

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