8 exciting ways the role of a teacher has changed

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The role of a teacher has stayed unchanged from times immemorial. However, the digital era has influenced this traditional role in ways that require teachers to redefine themselves.

As times change, so do the roles people play. Teachers are no exception. A teacher right from the Vedic times has inspired students to rise to lofty heights, learn and redistribute knowledge and live life in a principled way.

While the essence of this hasn’t changed, the modes of delivery and the channels for inspiration have been influenced by the ongoing digital revolution around us.

Here are ways that role of a teacher has been undergoing a change over the last few decades.

Knowledge comes from all directions.

A teacher who teaches and is open to learning from his students is appreciated better. Knowledge really comes from all directions in today’s digital age. However, respect is reserved for teachers who are open to accepting that knowledge and walking the talk.

Role of a Teacher – to Inspire, to sharpen observation abilities and hone thinking skills

A teacher must be humble in accepting that he may be unaware of a lot of things. The ability of a teacher to accept his limitations elevates him in the eyes of his students.

Kaizen (Japanese for ‘Continuous Improvement’)

A teacher inspires not just in the classroom but by demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning and improvement of self. A teacher not only gets her students to learn forever but never ceases to learn herself.

The eagerness and passion to take in new knowledge make them an inspiration for their students. Age is no bar to teaching and definitely should not stop one from learning. A lifelong learner infects people around them with the same spirit.

Personalize the Learning

Teachers who go the extra mile to personalize learning for each of their students’ stand out from the crowd. Not every student learns the same way.

We have seen learners biased towards learning via one or more senses. We see students prefer different environments to promote their learning. No student is a bad learner. It is only the learning environment that makes a difference.

Gamify Learning

The chalk and talk method do not cut ice with a lot of students todayp. Students learn better when learning is converted into a game with rewards to promote the reach of learning milestones. The role of a teacher is not just to teach but to teach in ways that inspire learning.

Some of the best learning happens in an environment that rewards and punishes the players while promoting learning. One of the best examples that I often cite for gamified learning is the “Duolingo” app. Teaching a new language by getting people to play and learn simultaneously encourages a lot of learners.


Most students live in a world with a ton of distractions. Teachers who can help them declutter their lives and keep learning simple, tend to captivate them.

I am a strong proponent of the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Silly. Often the best results are achieved when a simple objective and method are practised to reach a goal.


A guru has been a considered a spring of knowledge since ancient times. However, that role is getting diminished due to the gargantuan multiplication of human knowledge every day. However, there is one more aspect of the modern-day teacher that is assuming greater significance – one that involves mentoring students. Guiding students along the right path is a job that the modern teacher must take up to propel his/her students to their destinations.

Conscience Keeper

As the world gets more materialistic and society starts losing the distinction between needs and wants, teachers will also need to step into the shoes of the conscience keepers of society. They not only need to nurture students with knowledge but also a morally upright conscience.


The ultimate role of a teacher is turning into a friend for life for their students. A student whose teacher comes to his/ her mind to share her joys and sorrows and seek guidance without inhibitions can consider themselves blessed.

Teachers as carriers of ’emancipatory education’

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