A computer quiz to test your knowledge of computer fundamentals.
A Flip Quiz on the Indian Elections 2019
General Knowledge Quiz 2019 series will be presented as a set of 10 trivia questions every week for readers of…
As we step into February of 2019, there is an added emphasis on new digital disruptions like IoT and Artificial…
With JIO continuing to steam roll the 4G market, a report on Internet usage has stated that fixed broadband growth…
A set of 10 Information Technology questions with answers
A set of 10 IT – Information Technology questions and answers to broaden your knowledge of the field
A weekly round of IT knowledge in the form of a quiz
We are surrounded by technology every hour of the day. However, do we know about them enough? Here are 10…
And you always though Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s sidekick. No, Watson has a more serious role to play in today’s…