Parents often are at a loss on how they can help their kids. The automatic assumption that people arrive at is helping their kids with homework/studies or school work. You as a parent are responsible for something much more, the responsibility of providing the right upbringing in an age where the child is peppered with distractions all around. Here are a 5 simple things a parent can do
- Switch tracks: Switch off the TV beyond 7:00 PM. Silence your mobile phones. Keep aside your tablets and laptops. There can be nothing more important on all th
ese than focusing on your kids for the next one hour.
- Converse with your child: Pick up the day’s newspaper and read a few interesting headlines and encourage your child to ask questions. Read him/her a storybook. Strike up a conversation on what transpired at school. Show them a simple science trick (Youtube should help you in a giffy with these simple science tricks). Narrate something from your childhood. Spending genuine time with your kid is the only way to get them to open up to you.
- Identify areas of difficulty: Glance through their notebooks. Ask them a few simple questions to gauge their level of understanding. Check their school diaries to ensure they are up to date with their assignments and homework.
- Encourage kids to read: No gift is bigger than getting your kids to read and learn for themselves. This simple habit if cultivated early in their age will open up a lot of opportunities for them later on. Buy them interesting books on their birthdays instead of clothes and toys. Make it a habit to purchase one colorful book for your kid every time you come back from an outstation trip.
- Discipline them: Chanakya the famous Indian strategist of the Mauryan empire said, “Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, reprimand them where needed. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends.” A lot of times we tend to look the other way when kids misbehave. This can be disastrous in the long run. Discipline kids by reprimanding them when required.
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