We are surrounded by technology every hour of the day. However, do we know about them enough? Here are 10 questions sure to baffle you. The questions are from a round of IT news over the last 2-8 months. Have a go…

- What does HDR with reference to mobile phone cameras stand for?
- What first player shooting game caused a sensation the world over in 2018?
- What series of mobile processors from Qualcomm are widely used by industry majors?
- What Indian satellite launched recently is intended to provide Internet access of up to 14 Gbps?
- What do you call software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another’s computer/mobile activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive/memory?
- Which Indian company developed the popular app, “Where is my Train?” designed to help people with IRCTC related railway services in India?
- Which company releases the Pixel line of mobile phones?
- What is Wi-Charge?
- What is the latest Apple iPhone?
- ZenPhones are to Asus just as _______________ are to Sony.
- High Dynamic Range – It is a technique used in imaging and photography to reproduce a greater dynamic range of luminosity than is possible with standard digital imaging or photographic techniques
- PUBG – Player Unknowns Battle Ground
- Snapdragon
- GSAT 11
- Spyware
- Sigmoid – now acquired by Google
- Technology that will use light beams to wirelessly charge mobile devices
- iPhone XR
- Xperia
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