Keeping Children away from mobile phone addiction

The number one complaint I get from parents and guardians is about mobile phone addiction among children. How do we keep our children away from mobile phone addiction?

Parents are really clueless about how to wean their children away from mobile phone addiction.  They say they have tried everything but nothing seems to be successful in keeping children away from mobile phone addiction.

Here’s the secret…

Young kids find the mobile a very addictive medium

The secret to keeping children away from mobile phone addiction is SELF DISCIPLINE. Discipline yourself and your kids will fall in line. 

The secret to keeping #children away from #mobile #phone #addiction is SELF DISCIPLINE. 5 #commandments to prevent kids from getting hooked to #smartphones. Click To Tweet

5 Commandments for parents and their children to kick smartphone addiction

Here are 5 commandments for parents to discipline themselves and to keep their children away from mobile phone addiction.

Social Apps are a hot favorite of teenagers
  1. It is your phone. Take responsibility for it. 
    1. Do not ask your kids to put the phone on charge. Get up and do it yourself.
    2. Do not ask your children to fetch the phone for you when there is a notification or when you need it. Get up and do it yourself
  2. Limit the data flow in your mobile
    1. Switch over to a lower data plan if required. 
    2. Keep your home wi-fi secured.
  3. Secure your phone
    1. You can and must keep your phone locked with a password, pattern or fingerprint biometric lock.
    2. Prevent the installation of apps on your phone.
    3. Install a sandbox application to limit what apps your child has access to when you are not with them.
  4. Say ‘No’ to your child assertively.
    1. Never shout or enter into an argument over mobile phone usage.
    2. Rather, try to have a conversation as to why it is so important and ask your kid to convince you that the mobile phone is indispensable for the task at hand.
  5. Monitor your own usage of mobile phone, as an adult
    1. Limit your phone usage when at home or with your kids.
    2. Use the phone only if required.
Healthy Cell Phone usage prevents Children from

In spite of precautions, you may still face a situation wherein you need to let the child use the smartphone. In such cases, do exercise the following precautions.

Regulate the usage of mobile phones

  1. Limit the time for which your child can use the phone and help him get away from the mobile phone
  2. Monitor the apps that your child uses. 
  3. Make sure your kid uses the mobile phone in an area where adults keep going about their chores – Ex: Hall or common area of the house.
  4. Enter into an understanding with your child that the mobile is yours and you can and will check all activity on the phone at any time.
  5. Keep educating your children on the
    1. dangers of excessive mobile usage,
    2. prevalence of child baiters,
    3. risks of mobile radiation
    4. addictive nature of online games like Blue Whale, Momo Challenge, etc
    5. the dangers of mobile addiction like the “Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Dangers of Excessive Mobile Phone Usage on Human Health

You also need to engage kids in other activities to wean them away from mobile phone-based activities. You can also unlock their interests and passions by introducing them to hobbies via day to day household chores.

You can access a few more tips to help your family as a whole to kick the mobile phone addiction.

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