All my life I have been an ardent book lover. Books have been my best friend all along my growing up years and continue to be so.
Ebooks are the very logical next step for book lovers. However I do know of a lot of bibliophiles who swear by the physical book. This post is not meant to outrage them. I respect their opinions as I too love the occasional curling up on my bed with a physical book in my hand.
However ebooks do offer some distinct advantages that cannot be ignored. Here are three I find most appealing
- Wish for a me …I am with thee: Ebooks give the kind of instant gratification that every
book lover secretly wishes for. The moment a book captures a book lover’s imagination, they can’t wait to get their hands on the book and start devouring it. Ebooks allow this effortlessly. I see a book, hear about a book and the every next moment I can download a copy from a bookstore onto my ebook reading device. I am good to go
- Cheap Books: Ebooks are as cheap as books can get. Digital books are easy to make copies of and distribute without incurring additional costs. This allows publishers and authors to lower the costs to the bare minimum. Which book lover will not love to read as many books in his genre without burning his pocket.
- Read everywhere: What can be more frustrating than to discover that you have some time available but the book you are reading is on the table back home… Ebooks have eliminated this problem too. You can read a book you have purchased on your mobile, your tablet, your laptop or even your smart TV. You can even get the book copies on each of your devices to sync to the latest page
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