Heard of NIOS? The National Institute of Open Schooling or NIOS is an independent board set up by the Indian…
The term “bite-sized learning” describes a teaching strategy that divides educational content into manageable chunks. Learning through this method is intended to be more enjoyable, controllable, and less overwhelming.
The role of a teacher is undergoing a transformation with the digital society taking roots
Remembering things learnt over long term is essential for students. How does one revise subjects scientifically to retain knowledge for longer? Here are 3 ways.
Learning is a life long activity. Optimize your learning by discovering your ‘learner type’. Use the scientifically proven VAK model to maximize learning
How do you make your exam answers, essay or elocution stand out from the rest. Learn the power of the AIDA formula
In today’s fast paced society, nuclear families have become the norm. Working parents hardly find time to spend with their…
Your children may be slow at learning. They may be having a hard time grasping concepts in class. They may…